
A Crisis Management Plan for Your Board is Crucial to Success

A well-developed crisis management plan is crucial to the ongoing success of Canadian boards. Failure to draft and implement a crisis plan can affect every facet of your business during and after the COVID-19 crisis. A good strategic plan will ensure that your board can continue to run remotely to provide business continuity and good governance.

A Crisis Management Plan for Your Board is Crucial to Success

DiliTrust has created a fact sheet that can help your board quickly, but carefully, develop and implement a thorough crisis management plan. With the right technology, your board can seamlessly organize and run secure virtual board meetings. DiliTrust Exec is your reliable Canadian board portal solution, offering secure and confidential access to documents and files from other board members, virtual voting and decision making, and bilingual support based in Montreal.

Our user-friendly board portal technology also offers virtual board books so you can eliminate the confusion and mistakes often associated with paper board books. DiliTrust Exec features enterprise-grade security with ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification so you and your board members can safely handle even the most sensitive files.

With a well-balanced approach to crisis management and access to the right technology, your board can continue to make important decisions even during these unprecedented times. Protect your business by downloading our fact sheet on running a board remotely.