
Notice of merger-absorption of Hyperlex

Notice of merger DiliTrust

Under the terms of a private agreement dated November 24, 2022 :

DiliTrust, a société par actions simplifiée (simplified joint-stock company) with capital of €209,986.26, headquartered at
Tour Opus 12, 77, Esplanade du Général de Gaulle – 92081 Paris La Défense cedex,
registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number
400 701 918 (Absorbing Company),


Hyperlex, a simplified joint stock company with capital of €2,165.28, headquartered at
at 12, rue Anselme – 93400 Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine, registered with the Bobigny trade and
under number 832 146 237 (Absorbed Company),

Have drawn up a draft simplified merger agreement, subject to the legal rules governing mergers
pursuant to article L. 236-3 of the French Commercial Code, whereby Hyperlex would contribute to DiliTrust
Hyperlex to DiliTrust of :
– Assets transferred: €5,390,217
– Liabilities transferred: 4,001,820 euros
Net assets transferred: €1,388,397.
Mali de fusion: 26,111,603 euros.

Merger consideration: the Absorbing Company, also a 100% subsidiary of DILITRUST
all the shares of the Absorbing Company, in accordance with the provisions of
of Articles L. 236-11 and L. 236-3 of the French Commercial Code, no new shares will be
no new shares will be issued to increase the capital of the Absorbing Company.

Date of draft agreement: November 24, 2022.
Date of effect and legal completion of the merger: 31/12/2022.

Creditors of the companies involved in the merger whose claims arose prior to the date
prior to the date of publication of this notice on both companies’ websites,
may lodge objections to the transaction in accordance with the conditions and deadlines set out in L. 236-
14 and R. 236-8 of the French Commercial Code.

In accordance with the provisions of article L. 236-6 of the French Commercial Code, two copies of the draft merger agreement were filed with the clerk’s office of the French Commercial Court.
of the draft merger agreement were filed on November 24, 2022 with the clerk’s office of the Commercial
of Nanterre and Bobigny, for DiliTrust and Hyperlex, these companies being subject to two separate
two separate commercial courts.

For all intents and purposes, this notice replaces the publication in the BODACC
under article R. 236-2 of the French Commercial Code, in accordance with the provisions of
article R. 236-2-1 of said Code.

For notice
The Chairman of DiliTrust, Absorbing Company